A SELAH EVENT is a time for you to pause and consider what the Lord is saying to you in this season. Each event has a different theme but all incorporate a unique blend of spiritual motivation through dynamic preaching/teaching and the opportunity for you to immediately partake in fervent prayer.
Attendance at A SELAH EVENT is guaranteed to help you "pray through" and to ignite or rekindle a passion for more and deeper intimacy with the Father. Come fellowship with other powerful anointed saints of God, who are ready to help you "pray through" to your next level in God.
To date, we have been blessed to have three A SELAH EVENTs. However, COVID has hampered our ability to have additional events as often as we would like.
But how many of you know that location doesn't stop the move of God?!! Therefore, when we can't meet in person, we will be having A SELAH EVENT virtual prayer every 4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm CST!! These events will be conducted live on IG (@dr_shalai) and FB (DrSha-Lai Williams) so be sure to follow and tune in.
You can DM your prayer request ahead of time, and/or join us during the live for in the moment prayer and intercession.
God is moving so come with Him!!
The last A SELAH EVENT, held on August 21, was epic!! Sis Anita Hayes and Sis Alleiah Little brought the word with power and authority. Prophetic words were spoken and the testimonies of God are continuing to be made manifest.
Check back to see when the next A SELAH EVENT will be held.
From A SELAH EVENT: Standing in the Gap ~
Ladies, Do you believe you’re called to intercede on behalf of others? Do you ever have a burning passion to pray for your family members, friends, and/or people you don’t even know? Do you find yourself making lists of issues, groups of people, and/or nations and praying for them? Or do you have a desire to learn more about what intercession is and how you can be further used in the Kingdom of God?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then join us for the next A SELAH EVENT!! This event is a time for you to pause and consider what the Lord is saying to you in this season. The current theme is: Standing in the Gap (Dear brothers and sisters, pray for us. – 1 Thessalonians 5:25 NLT).
Come prepared to experience a unique blend of dynamic teaching and on-the-spot fervent prayer. This night is guaranteed to help you go deeper in your understanding and time of intercessory prayer and to ignite/rekindle a fire for greater intimacy with the Father. Come fellowship with other powerful anointed women of God, as you move towards your next level in God.
Please RSVP below and then complete your registration by sending $25 via CashApp ($ShaLaiWilliams) or Venmo (@ShaLaiWilliams).
Email me at drshalaiwilliams@gmail.com if you have any questions. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you at A SELAH EVENT!