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CShirts_Apparel is a Christian t-shirt and hoodie line that provides spirit*fed*fashion for women, men, and kids who want to share their faith and engage others in meaningful conversations about Jesus Christ with God-inspired slogans and designs. 


CShirts_Apparel is a perfect conversational starter and witnessing tool, especially for those of us who may want to share our love for Jesus and/or our testimony with others, but we don't know how. 


UPDATE: CShirts_Apparel is making the move from Teespring to another vendor, so all of our current inventory is 20% OFF!!! Once we shift, this inventory will be gone gone gone.

So order yours today by clicking HERE!







And be sure to tag us in your social media posts! 

#cshirts_apparel #spiritfedfashion #christianapparel #christianfashion #wearyourfaith

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