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Sharing Intimate Stories That Achieve Healing

Nearly 20 years ago, the Lord gave me the concept for SISTAH or Sharing Intimate Stories that Achieve Healing. It was (and is) the idea that women, from all walks of life, regardless of race/ethnicity, age, background, geographic location, socio-economic status, and the like, could share their stories to help begin the process of healing themselves from things that they'd experienced in their past (or are still living through currently) as well as allow other women to know that they are not alone in whatever situation they are dealing with.
Thus, SISTAH is a wonderful, daring, and unique opportunity to share our personal intimate stories with other women who may be experiencing similar issues. This is beneficial for two central reasons. First, it helps us understand that we are not alone, that someone else has been where we may currently find ourselves, and that if our "sistah" was able to conquer something, so can we. Secondly, the Bible tells us that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). Sharing our stories serves as a tool for healing to ourselves, ministry to others, and a reminder to the enemy that we made it, or at the very least, we are well on our way to victory.
So you may be wondering "how can I be a part"? Well, I'm so glad you asked!! You can share your story by simply clicking here. The link will take you to a form where you can share your story on a particular topic each week. Each topic will relate to situations and circumstances that you have experienced or are presently dealing with in your life. If you would like to share your personal story on the present topic, simply respond in the space provided after the prompt. To share is entirely your choice, completely voluntary, and always confidential and anonymous!! Remember, we all have a story to tell and we'd love to hear yours. Be sure to tell a "sistah" you know about this amazing opportunity. And thank you for sharing your intimate story!
Be blessed, Dr. S "dropping nuggets you didn't know you needed" #BeYourBestYou
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